Prompt generator

  • Business card design

    This page is a prompt creation tool for the image generation AI, ‘Midjourney.’Please select various options and enter the necessary…

  • Menu and shopping list (1 serving)

    This page is a prompt creation tool (prompt generator) for the generation AI “ChatGPT”.Please select various options and enter the…

  • Menu and shopping list (for one week)

  • Today’s horoscope

    This page is a prompt creation tool (prompt generator) for the generation AI “ChatGPT”.Please select various options and enter the…

  • Fortune telling and compatibility diagnosis

    This page is a prompt creation tool (prompt generator) for the generation AI “ChatGPT”.Please select various options and enter the…

  • Travel planner

    This page is a prompt creation tool (prompt generator) for the generation AI “ChatGPT”.Please select various options and enter the…

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